Wednesday, February 20, 2008

truth, respect, loyalty and excellence

Wow!! After I read this post from Perry Noble, I felt goosebumps rise on my arms. I love what Mr. Noble says about awesome team members, and for the record, I agree with every one!!

Four Qualities Of An Awesome Team Member

#1 - An Awesome Team Member ALWAYS Tells The Truth.

I have a rule with the leadership team that I serve with. (Who are they–another post, another time…but for now they are Jason, Jason, Tony, Paul, Shane, Trish and LB.) Here’s the rule…

When we sit in our staff meetings I want nothing but the raw, honest, painful truth about ANYTHING that we happen to be discussing/working through.

I am not one of those guys who allows only certain things to be said to me on certain days…I want honesty from those closest to me.

Let me say this…as a leader YOU must make sure to do all that you can to create this type of environment. You MUST invite conflict. For example, I’ve seen people give looks of disapproval when people make a comment but not speak up…and so I will say, “Hey Jason, it seems you didn’t agree with what Tony just said–what are you thinking?”

YES…it does create tension…but this is how the best decisions are made.

The same is true in our creative team…if I share an idea and it is not good–I want to know! AND…if I perceive that someone isn’t being truthful with me…I want them off of the team! Life is too short to surround myself with people who blow smoke up my rear end…I want the truth!

(By the way…this was not my idea…it comes from every successful leader I’ve ever seen.)

#2 - An Awesome Team Member ALWAYS Respects Everyone Else On The Team.

I am HUGE when it comes to respect. I am convinced that THE only reason that I am where I am in life is because of the favor and blessing of God, NEITHER of which I deserve…and so when it comes to our environment I do not want it to be a “respect Perry only” place…but EVERYONE respects EVERYONE.

Let me be VERY clear here…I respect EVERYONE on the team I serve with…and if I didn’t respect them then they would not be in the room leading with me. I LOVE these people…and when they speak…I LISTEN. God has used them to fire me up, inspire me, teach me AND humble me…and ANYONE of them can come to me at any time and share with me what is on their hearts because I respect them.

BUT…they also share that same respect with one another–which is ESSENTIAL for a successful team. If there is disrespect among the team members then you team will always drift towards dysfunction.

#3 - An Awesome Staff Member Is Always Loyal.

One of the things our team knows and understands is this–we all have each other’s backs!

Now let me be VERY clear…we would NEVER conceal any type of sin and disguise it as “being loyal.” That, to me, is overriding a Biblical mandate with a desire for comfort.

BUT…when someone else comes up to one of us and tries to talk smack about someone else on the team–we don’t put up with that–EVER.

Trust is ESSENTIAL for a team to achieve its maximum potential. You can’t sit around a table with people who you believe are going to go out of the room and bash you to their friends and co-workers. If I didn’t perceive that someone on the team was loyal to the entire team…they would be gone.

Behind closed doors anyone is free to say anything to anyone…but when we walk out of that room we do so with one vision…and we won’t allow people to take our eyes off of it.

#4 -An Awesome Team Member Never Seeks To Do The Minimum.

If you have someone on the team who is constantly trying to get out of work (OR who wants a divine marching band to play for him/her every time they seemingly go above and beyond)–WATCH OUT!

One of the incredible things about the team I serve with is that I KNOW that NO ONE that sits around the table has EVERY thought, “How can I do as little as possible and still seem to be getting my job done?’

I serve with people who have a pit bull type of intensity. When we come up with a project and assign it to whoever…they don’t halfway do it and then throw out excuses…they MAKE things happen…and are committed to doing whatever it takes to make sure that God’s work is done with EXCELLENCE.

Jesus Christ did not change the world with half-hearted, lazy, self seeking people whose biggest desire was to be solitaire on their computer! He turned the world upside down with men and women who were willing to go wherever and do whatever He asked of them…and He’s still seeking the same type of people today.

Hope that helps…


  1. Windover! give me some vortex love! what the heck? i just saw a comment you left over on children's ministry and culture! you are a blogger! wooohoooo!
    how the heck are you doing?
    i'll be a regular reader now.
    john in colorado

  2. I found your blog. Now you're in for it.
