Thursday, April 19, 2007

Lion Chasers

After finishing Mark Batterson's book "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day" I realize lion chasing is what I do. Keeping current is children's ministry is an ongoing process. Children are always changing and they are resilient, it's the parents that have a hard time with the changes! I know for myself I am enjoing every minute I have with my children because they will be off to college in a blink of an eye. Growing things change, change challenges us to rely on God, God grows things, ....... and so it goes. Mark Batterson tells the story of Beneniah and relates it to leadership. You must chase the opportunities that God puts in front of you. In order to stay fresh, I think you must look for those "lions" that God places in our paths, and then chase, conquer, and get ready to again lace up the shox! I love children's ministry, there are always "lions" to chase!