Friday, October 16, 2009

Do not fear

My favorite quote from this post......"The best thing that can happen to us is for our fears to be realized so that we realize the thing we feared wasn't as bad as the fear we felt. And God is right there to pick us back up!"

Thank you Lord for loving us so much. I pray that today I turn my fears and worries into prayers that grow my faith. Amen.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Steps to Contentment

An amazing wonderful mentor of mine gave me an index card with the steps to contentment about 10 years ago that I still carry to this day. Not only do I carry it, my husband does too. Contentment is an awesome thing....but I have to admit it's not always easy for me, I must be reminded to be content.

Steps to Contentment
by E. B. Pusey, a 19th-century church leader.
  1. Allow thyself to complain of nothing, not even of the weather.
  2. Never picture thyself under any circumstances in which thou art not.
  3. Never compare thine own lot with that of another.
  4. Never allow thyself to dwell on the wish that this or that had been, or were, otherwise than it was, or is. God Almighty loves thee better and more wisely than thou dost thyself.
  5. Never dwell on the morrow. Remember that it is God's, not thine. The heaviest part of sorrow often is to look forward to it. "The Lord will provide."
Great reminder, I know right?!?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Stay Thankful. Stay Gracious.

Wisdom from Chuck Swindoll.....

10 Things Chuck Swindoll Learned in 50ish Years of Ministry:

1. It’s lonely to lead.
Leadership involves tough decisions. The tougher the decisions, the lonelier it is.
2. It’s dangerous to succeed.
It is dangerous to succeed while being young. rarely, does God give leadership that young because it takes crushing and failure first.
3. It’s hardest at home.
Nobody at home is applauding you. They say, “Dad! You’re fly is open.”
4. It is essential to be real.
If there is one realm where phoniness is personified it is leadership. What I care about is that you stay real.
5. It is painful to obey.
There are rewards, yes, but it is painful nevertheless.
6. Brokenness and failure are necessary.
7. My attitude is more important than my actions.
Some of you are getting hard to be around. And your attitude covers all those great actions you pull off.
8. Integrity eclipses image.
What you are doing is not a show. And the best things you are doing is not up front but what you do behind the scenes.
9. God’s way is better than my way.
God is going to have His way.
10. Christ-likeness begins and ends with humility.

2 Corinthians 4:5-7 tells us that we must be willing to leave the familiar message without disturbing the Biblical message. We get that backwards. This was written in the first century, and now we are in the 21st century. The message stays the same. Don’t miss the message. As you alter the methods, don’t mess with the message.

Traditionalism is the dead faith of those still living. You will defend those things that don’t need defended.

Three Important Observations:

1. With every ministry a special mercy is needed.
2. In every ministry the same things must be renounced and rejected.
That is hiding shameful things, doing deceitful things, and corrupting truthful things. Guard against deception. Guard against deception.
3. Through every ministry a unique style should be pursued.
We don’t preach or promote ourselves (it isn’t about us). We declare Christ Jesus as Lord (it’s all about Him). We see ourselves as bond-servants for Jesus Christ.

Five Statements Worth Remembering During Your Next 50 Years of Leadership:

1. Whatever you do, do more with others and less alone.
It will help you become accountable.
2. Whenever you do it, emphasize quality not quantity.
3. Wherever you go, do it the same as if you were among those who know you the best.
It will keep you from exaggerating. it will help keep your stories true. Your good friend will tell you things that others will not. They will hold you close to truth.
4. Whoever may respond to your ministry, keep a level head.
5. However long you lead, keep on dripping with gratitude and grace.
Stay thankful. Stay gracious.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I made a mistake!

I love humble leaders! This is a great post by a great leader! Enjoy!

I made a mistake!

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Should I stay or should I go?

What a great question to wrestle with! When I first started in ministry, a dear friend said to me, “Make sure this is what you are called to do, because there will be days that your calling is all that you’ve got!” In ministry? Seriously? Okay, okay, all sarcasm put aside, you know what I am talking about. Ministry has it’s “bumps in the road” just like any other profession, but which “bumps in the road” are worth riding over and which ones would cause you to change direction? I’m not talking about the curriculum you are using isn’t meeting your needs, or volunteers aren’t showing up on time, I’m talking about whether you should stay in your position, or leave for another position at another location, are you tracking with me? I know, I know, you have never talked about this out loud, right?

There is a song by the group “The Clash” that says; “If I go there will be trouble, if I stay there will be double.” Leaving any position will cause trouble because change is difficult, but would you be hurting the church and causing more trouble if you were to leave or would you be causing more hurt and pain in your family should you choose to stay? Why do you feel led to consider a change?

Have you been released from your current position because you did what God ordained you to do there? I have a great friend in ministry who considers herself a change agent. She has taken two churches from an unstructured ministry approach to a structured, strategic, vision led, team approach. She has a specific skill set that once her job is accomplished it is no longer her job to do. When she successfully transitioned her last church I thought she would never leave, the ministry was healthy and thriving because of the changes and strategy she implemented. Obviously that was not the case. She is currently taking another church through a similar process and I am in awe of her god-given abilities and her strength to leave a healthy ministry to do it all over again.

Do you find yourself in a similar situation? Have you done what God has called you to do at your current location? If your answer is yes, it’s time to go, if not, see His vision to completion. But, maybe that’s not you. Maybe, just maybe you are considering a job change because you feel like you just don’t fit there anymore. Yes, I said it people, it happens sometimes

There are several reasons it may be “time” to consider a change
1. Integrity is lacking in the leadership around you and above you.
2. Unity has left the building. Can anyone say “silo”
3. Vision is non-existent or irrelevant.
4. Encouragement…what encouragement?
5. You love the people you serve and, well, you have to love the staff.
6. Other staff members joke about “drinking the punch”
7. You don’t want to be there anymore.

If (some) of those statements are resonating with you, you’re not alone, but what should you do with it? The best advice I could give someone is TALK IT OUT with someone close but NOT in the church. Some leaders fear controversy and will use anything as an excuse to not deal with an issue. Don’t let that be you, talk to a friend about how you are feeling.

If the issue(s) can be resolved, stay, if not, it’s time to create an exit strategy. Should you stay? Should you go? Only you can answer those questions based on God’s timing. Take the time to explore wherever the God ordained bump in the road is taking you. Leaders understand that timing is everything.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

commitment, conviction, journey

This morning, as I was enjoying a little SportsCenter and a cup of ghetto coffee (made at home, plain black), a commercial for the NCAA winter championships came on.  I listened to it and then backed it up to hear it again. As I listened for a second time I could have sworn that I was listening to a definition of amazing ministry.  

Commitment, conviction and journey were highlighted.  The commercial mentioned frustrating times, bumps in the road, changing direction, etc. You're with me aren't you????  No where did I see or hear, give up, quit, or walk away.  Like I said, ministry!!

The last word they used was difference.  Are we not called to make a difference in this world by making Jesus famous by our commitment to Him?   

Here's what the commercial said; "The bump in the road.....frustrating times...testing our commitment, our resolve.....forcing us to change direction, to charge forward with conviction...blaze a new trail, a journey to the unknown...but it might be where you find...the difference." 

Okay, seriously, read it again.  It does something to you doesn't it? 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

are these ever right?

I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm a
Spiritual Self-Knowing Extrovert

Friday, January 2, 2009

the end

This past weekend my husband and daughter were out of town at a volleyball tournament. They visited a church and were challenged to think about the past year. My husband loved the message and when he got home decided to pay it forward to the team of salesmen he leads on a daily basis. The response has been amazing! Most of his team members do not attend church on a regular basis, what a great "ice breaker" for my husband to share his passion for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!

I asked him what the questions were and he handed me the notes from the weekend. What a wonderful man I am married to! I took a little time and answered the questions. I was challenged, maybe you will be too.

Where have you been this year?
What do I want to celebrate about his year?
What do I need to grieve?
What was life-giving and energizing to me?
What was life-draining or deflating to me?
Where have I seen God at work in my life?
Where have I seen evidence of God's care?

Where am I today?
How would I describe my current relationship with God?
What is my body been telling me about my life and pace?
What are people noticing about me?
What is energizing or exciting to me right now?
What obstacles or challenges are in front of me?
What am I saying to myself about them?
How might God's perspective be different than mine?
What do I sense that God wants to say to me today?

Where do I want to go?
Where do I sense that God is calling me to invest my life?
What will my life look like if I follow God in this area?
What are the steps I need to take to move forward?
How do I need to relate differently to others in my community?

Yay for 2009 y'all!!