Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Environmental impact

Each environment has a specific purpose for the overall guest services experience. As people flow from one environment to the next we want the same message to be heard, they matter to God and they are valued here.

The key to a successful Sunday morning experience is the ability for each volunteer to seamlessly transition people from one environment to the next.

How is this accomplished?

  • Friendliness
  • Knowledge
  • Servant Attitude
Volunteers must be approachable and friendly! They should have a passion for the vision and a general knowledge of what the church offers on Sunday (children's ministry, middle school/high school, how to get connected to groups, etc). Their attitude is one of service, "whatever it takes" mentality! As a leader, it's important to give volunteers the freedom to leave their "post." Walking a family to the children's area or a couple to the Worship Center while sharing the vision of the church or answering questions about the church is invaluable!

Monday, April 25, 2011

More is more

When it comes to (fill in your ministry area here) ministry, there is always one thing needed most, VOLUNTEERS! The church is and will always be a volunteer run organization. Each volunteer is a moment of truth for the "big C" church! I am so thankful for the faces I see on a weekly basis serving God by serving His people. But to be honest, there is always room for more! The more volunteers you have, the more opportunities you have to pour out of Jesus Christ and to fully serve each family member and guest.

When it comes to Guest Services, there are several areas to focus on, all of them equally important in caring for church family members and for guests;

  • Parking Team
  • Greeters (Parking lot greeters, door greeters, worship center greeters)
  • Host Team (greeting, ushering and offering)
  • Help Center (info booth)
  • Volunteer Central (volunteers taking care of volunteers, vision-information-prayer)
Do you have other teams you focus on to make sure your guests are cared for?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One Chance

We have all heard the saying "you only get one chance to make a first impression." True, but when it pertains to guests arriving on your campus I believe it must be a weekly strategy. Maybe we should tweek it to say you get one chance weekly to make an impression. Good, bad, first, second (and so on), isn't as important as what's happening this week!!

With that in mind, we start with;

  • What worked well last week?
  • What do we need to stop doing?
  • What will we change this week to make our impression count?
  • What's our strategy for implementation?

Every week matters, every area matters, because people matter!! Every week people decide in the first 2 minutes whether or not to return to your church, we must make this a high priority!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Honor your guests

I went to college at the University of Toledo. At least half of the people I tell that to come back with, "Holy Toledo!" I started wondering where that phrase originated. The theories were endless, but one really stuck out to me. One theory is that the phrase came about because there was such a high concentration of churches on one boulevard. If that were the case, we could say that about any city!

There are sooooo many options for people looking for a church home. That is why I believe we must HONOR a persons decision to attend our church. They could have gone to any number of churches, but there are right there in front of you! What are you going to do to make them feel honored and cared for?

I look at it like I am inviting them into my home. How would I treat a guest in my own home?

I would

  • give them good directions!!
  • make sure the house is spotless
  • meet and greet them outside
  • walk them in
  • show them around
  • give them the best seat of the house
That's a good place to start! What are you doing to honor your guests?