Friday, April 11, 2008

Sesame Street Leadership #7 Cookie Monster Leaders

Cookie Monster Leaders are high capacity leaders, but get bored easily.
"If I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way; and some of them have come from a great distance." Mark 8:3a NAS

Remember the story of the loaves and the fishes? People who wanted to know more came from all over and Jesus made sure they were fed. This makes me think of those high capacity leaders. They may not walk for days or even a mile for that matter, but they are willing to get to your ministry location and serve God. They want to take on the tasks that seem overwhelming to others, and they want one right after another!

High capacity, aka Cookie Monster leaders do not want you to watch over their shoulder either, they want to be empowered to do what you have asked them to do, just make sure the boundaries are set.

One of the most high capacity leaders I have ever met loves a good challenge but she always makes sure she's not a maverick. She wants to know the boundaries, be set free, finish the task and arrive back for more! As leaders we need to be prepared for the next task for these leaders!

Cookie monster need food! Mmmmm Mmmm more cookies!!!

1. Encourage them by providing challenging tasks.
2. Grow them by giving feedback and empowering them to complete the task.

1 comment:

  1. so for those leaders who may be following your blog, would it be healthy to tell them where they fit if they ask?
