Thursday, August 19, 2010

Once More With Hobbits

Whenever I need to know a trivial little ditty, I "google" it! (you know that's actually in the dictionary right?) So, I'm in a meeting when a friend gets a text that says; "OMWH." With a puzzled face, she asks, "What in the world does OMWH mean?" Being near a computer, another friend googles it and immediately says; "Once More With Hobbits." What?? "Why would my husband send me that?" After looking a little further, the second definition was "On My Way Home."

That made a little more sense, her husband was on his way home. Then something weird happened, I starting thinking about what he would tell her about his day when he got home, maybe he would share his last impression of where he was that day. I know this sounds crazy, but I went from that thought to thinking about what is the last impression a guest has when they leave our church on Sunday? What would her husband tell her if he had just left our church as a first time guest?

I can just hear my husband saying (lovingly); "Stacey, you just aren't right," but seriously, I can't be the only one thinking about this! We don't want guests leaving with a bad taste in their mouth about God or the church, so what steps should we take to make sure their experience as they leave church leads to a conversation that is positive with an excitement to return?

Where to start? How about the time frame between the end of service, to leaving the church property...

As guests exit the worship center, is there a place clearly marked for them to go and ask questions about the church? Were people there eagerly waiting to answer questions? Did they have the knowledge (or training) to answer the questions? Were they friendly when they answered, or was there a sense that they wanted to leave and the guests were holding them up? Were there greeters at the exit doors inviting guests back next week? Was there a team of volunteers directing traffic out and smiling at each guest as they passed?

Where would you start? What questions would you ask?

Although the entire guest experience from arrival to departure must be evaluated, I am going to start with the last impression this week, I'll keep you updated!!!


  1. Fantastic post, Stacey, as usual. I am one of those "administrative" types when visiting a church and those impressions matter! Ken, otoh, is all about the music and figures he'll meet the people later.

    Miss you around the court.


    (PS - OTOH means, "on the other hand" and not "oh those old hobbits"...)

  2. i was wondering about OTOH....thanks for the clarification! :)
