"Tribes" by Seth Godin is a fantastic read. Short, sweet, to the point and filled with leadership inspiration!
"If you ignore this opportunity to lead, you risk turning into a "sheepwalker" -someone who fights to protect the status quo at all costs..."
"Some tribes are stuck. They embrace the status quo and drown out any tribe member who dares to question authority and the accepted order."
"A movement is thrilling. It's the work of many people, all connected, all seeking something better. The new highly leveraged tools of the Net make it easier than ever to create a movement, to make things happen, to get things done. All that's missing is leadership."
"Once you choose to lead, you'll be under huge pressure to reconsider your choice, to compromise, to dumb it down, or to give up. Of course you will. That's the world's job to get you to be quiet and follow."
"Leaders challenge the status quo. Leaders create a culture around their goal and involve others in that culture. Leaders have an extraordinary about of curiosity about the world they're trying to change. Leaders use charisma (in a variety of forms) to attract and motivate followers. Leaders communicate their vision of the future. Leaders commit to a vision and make decisions based on that commitment. Leaders connect their followers to one another."
No status quo......I choose to lead!!
Hi! not sure if you remember me... saw you and your family from across the sanctuary yesterday at BAF(too far to hop over and say "hello")! I felt the Lord prompting me to find you on the web; so glad I found you! I wanted to share a few things...
ReplyDelete*My family and I have MISSED you and your family since your departure this past summer; Jessie and Joe think the world of Beau! Kelsie has missed Olivia...God has gifted you all and the light of the Lord has touched those who cross your path... your humble service to Him has been a blessing and was contagious.
*We left soon after you all (our last service at RLF was Aug 2)... While I was in leading Ladies Ministry, God had been showing me many revelations (kinda frustrating), and when Kirk came home from his 10 month deployment, he saw the same things, but we had to be sure, before we acted on them. We prayerfully went to the Lord in grief as to what to do. It was confirmed that RLF leadership had "lost their first love" (Rev. 2)and pride in the church was too out of control for us to serve God as He has called us to do.
*Over the past couple months, we've been attending a Baptist church, but haven't felt a Spirit to Spirit connection there as a whole family. God prompted Kirk and I to visit BAF yesterday. Immediately we saw our neighbor from across the street which was a God thing and very cool. Then throughout the worship experience and the service, we believe God continued to confirm to us that BAF will be our new church home. The Holy Spirit filled both our hearts with peace about this church body (which we haven't felt in a while).
Kirk spotted Joe towards the end of service and that was even more validation we were where God wants our family. We tried to find you all afterwards, but no luck.
I want you to know how truly awesome God is that he had lead us to worship at BAF. I had selfishly felt jipped when you left because you were someone I was looking forward to getting to know better over time and for the kids' sake the Children's Ministry had a Pastor that truly cared for them and walked a Spirit filled life; the greatest example we all have. I know you had to leave, but was bummed none the less. God has plans for all of us, even when they don't always make sence. It's ALL about HIM!
I just want you to know it was a God thing we saw you all yesterday, and that many have missed you and appreciate the impact you've made in Children's Ministry serving our One and Only.
We'll be attending the 6:30PM Sat service starting next week (will be out of town 2 weeks for the holidays and back for the new year). God will "plug us in" where we need to be in 2009 at BAF... I'm sooooo excited. Maybe we'll bump into you all in the future!
I'm interested in this book "Tribes"! I'll put it on my 2009 "read list". Thanks for the great insights.
God Bless you and your family! Love, Teri
Just read it as well. Great read. I think it is interesting how Seth is starting to think about churches and non-profits more. He never used to mention them at all.
ReplyDeleteHe had tons of great insights as usual.