"Tribes" by Seth Godin is a fantastic read. Short, sweet, to the point and filled with leadership inspiration!
"If you ignore this opportunity to lead, you risk turning into a "sheepwalker" -someone who fights to protect the status quo at all costs..."
"Some tribes are stuck. They embrace the status quo and drown out any tribe member who dares to question authority and the accepted order."
"A movement is thrilling. It's the work of many people, all connected, all seeking something better. The new highly leveraged tools of the Net make it easier than ever to create a movement, to make things happen, to get things done. All that's missing is leadership."
"Once you choose to lead, you'll be under huge pressure to reconsider your choice, to compromise, to dumb it down, or to give up. Of course you will. That's the world's job to get you to be quiet and follow."
"Leaders challenge the status quo. Leaders create a culture around their goal and involve others in that culture. Leaders have an extraordinary about of curiosity about the world they're trying to change. Leaders use charisma (in a variety of forms) to attract and motivate followers. Leaders communicate their vision of the future. Leaders commit to a vision and make decisions based on that commitment. Leaders connect their followers to one another."
No status quo......I choose to lead!!