It's been a crazy week down here in Corpus Christi, Texas. First, let's unpack what happened this past Sunday morning.......
Let me start with the fact that we are currently using Empowering Kids "Fear Knot" curriculum for children birth through fifth grade and lesson one talked about how we can untie the fear knot of snakes by first calming down. The Lord said to Gideon calm down, do not be afraid. We can be calm in the face of fear because God says we can. I learned that first hand Sunday morning at 7am. I pushed the garage door button and as I watched the door rise I saw my first Texas snake! No joke! I shut the door and said to my husband; “Joey, there’s a snake outside.” The one thing my husband is not fond of more than anything else is snakes. But the fear did not paralyze him, he took a shovel and took care of the snake…………….make sure no children are reading this……………he killed it and threw it into the neighbors yard, well technically it’s going to be a neighbors yard in the future, right now it’s just an empty lot. I did think about how amazing God’s timing is though, come on, I have lived here almost a year and I have not seen one snake, and the weekend we are teaching about not being afraid of snakes one shows up at my door?? Amazing!
Then, I heard about Dolly! My first thought was; “Is lesson two fear of drowning?” So I called Craig Jutila and told him I wasn’t so sure we could finish this Fear Knot series, I just don’t know if I can make it though all eight fears if I have to try them out each weekend! We are covering fear of the dark, heights, spiders, bullies, scary movies, strangers and drowning. Anyone want to trade places?? Just kidding, I’m not afraid because I can do all things through the almighty God who gives me strength!!
Did I mention DOLLY?? Hurricane Dolly decided to say hello, (okay I couldn't resist! I know you are now singing; "Hello Dolly, well hello Dolly.") It wasn't so nice to have her around though. It was my first hurricane as well. I spoke to a good friend from "up north" and told her I wish there was a t-shirt or something I could buy that said "Baby's First Hurricane" but, no luck! It wasn't so bad here in Corpus Christi, lots of rain and wind, we were fortunate though because the eye did not pass over us.
So, how was your week??
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