Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sesame Street Leadership #2 Count Von Count Leaders

Okay, start thinking about those you lead who focus on a name?........... I like to call these the "Count Von Count" leaders.

Count Von Count leaders are passionate, but must be reminded of the value of serving.

I almost lost one of these leaders. Mr. John is an amazing small group leader. He had been following the same group of boys for two years when a couple of kids decided they were not going to continue with the small group the next year. Mr. John wanted all 8 boys to return and felt totally deflated that his group would shrink, not grow the following year. What to do, what to do, he was so focused on the numbers he wasn't thinking about the value in serving even one child!

1. Encourage them by fanning the flame.
2. Grow them by showing them the fruit of their service.

I asked the parents of the remaining group members to send a note of what Mr. John has meant to their son. Those notes encouraged him as well as revealed to him the fruit of his service.

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