As long as I have been in ministry, it happens. I don't know who to give credit to but I have heard a saying that fits perfectly; "Where God is at work, the evil one will lurk." Whenever there is a large gathering of leaders for training and/or encouragement God will be glorified and people will grow stronger in their faith. That is not what the evil one desires and he will try to do what ever he can to throw a monkey wrench into your plans. Case in point. Yesterday our church put on TRANSFORMER night. An evening of encouraging and equipping for those who serve or who want to begin serving in all ministries of the church. Children's ministry had 27 brand new volunteers for the preschool area alone! That totally rocks! I planned on spending my day preparing for these new leaders, but then.....the monkey wrench! The night before, my daughter went to volleyball practice just like she always does. Right before I picked her up, she fell backward and landed on her wrist. We went home and did the ice on for 20 ice off for 20 and decided we would wait until the next day to get it checked out if needed. Well, I spent all day Friday at the doctors office and hospital getting x-rays. After 8 hours, it was confirmed, her wrist was broken. After getting a splint and taking her home, I had 25 minutes to prepare for the amazing volunteers.
I could tell story after story how the evil one has tried to stop the plans of those who want to make the one true God famous. One thing I have learned is to be prayed up. Pray not only for the event and the people who will be attending, but pray for your staff, their family, key leaders, their family, and don't forget your family!! I know that because of the prayers that went up for all those mentioned above I was able to pass the "monkey wrench" test with flying colors! My team rallied behind me and stepped up where needed. I saw Jesus in each one of them! I am honored to serve with a team of leaders who want to make sure God is glorified at every turn, or in my case at every break!!
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