Monday, July 2, 2007

My Story Continues....

I confess, leadership stuff always fuels me. I mean really fuels me! I try to see if I am growing as a leader and where I fall in the different categories. I never seem to fit any particular mold or chart which can be frustrating, but then I remember, Psalm 139:14a "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." That's just so cool! I don't have to fit into anything other than God's plan, and that is comforting! I read an article this morning by Todd Rhoades titled "Four Qualities of Innovative Leaders." (Yes, I was trying to see if that described me, but that's not the point.) Craig Groeschel, the pastor of shared at the Buzz Conference what he thinks are four great qualities of innovative leaders. I think they are pretty interesting, so here is a little of what Todd wrote;

"First, innovative leaders heal the sick. Jesus sought out those in need and met their needs. Unfortunately today, too many churches are inwardly focused and not meeting the needs of non-Christians. Craig said that in order to reach those who aren’t yet being reached, we have to do things that no one else is doing. Our goal is to reach people for Jesus however we can, and in order to do that, we need to teach our people to love people who don’t know Christ. His question to us was, “Who is God calling you to reach that no one around you is reaching?”

Second, innovative leaders break the rules. Jesus broke the Sabbath rules. Craig used the analogy of Nascar: “Go straight, turn left. Go straight, turn left.” Innovative leaders don’t take the common path. They turn right! Every great movement of God was started by a leader making a right turn. Question: What is God calling you to do that’s never been done before?

Third, innovative leaders offend the “Pharisees.” When you do something new to reach people for Jesus, modern Pharisees will attack with a vengeance. But Craig said that we shouldn’t worry when the Pharisees are shooting at us. We should worry when they aren’t. He asked, “What new thing will God call you to create that will be hated today and embraced tomorrow?”

Fourth, innovative leaders redefine success. Instead of talking about how many people they’re reaching and bragging about numbers, innovative leaders are constantly thinking about how many people still need to be reached. We can’t be impressed with ourselves. We need to stop building attendance and start building the kingdom."

Don't you totally want to heal the sick, break the rules, offed the "Pharisees," and redefine success?? I do, as long as it makes Him famous!

Do I hear an AMEN???

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