I recently sat through a jr. high state track meet and heard a ton of comments about about running a great race. You could hear parents telling their children to get a great start, focus, stay strong, just run, don't worry about people in the other lanes, just do your thing and don't let anyone pass you, but my favorite was "fight to the finish." Are we not called to do the same thing? As leaders, we need to tell our teams to get a great start by preparing for their service, focus on the goal, children knowing Jesus as their Savior, stay strong when you are criticized (it's going to happen), just run your race without worrying about what other volunteers or other churches are doing, God has called you to the ministry you are in, if he wanted you to do what the church in florida's doing, he would move you there. It doesn't mean you can't learn from other ministries, I have learned so much from other ministries and I am so grateful! Iron does sharpen iron. We are all on the same team serving the same God, but you are called by God to fulfill His will at your location. We are supposed to "fight to the finish." Minister to children until, as Craig Jutila says, "Jesus comes back." Oh man, I wish it was Sunday!
On a personal note, my daughter did take second in the state in the 100m, 200m, and 200, low hurdles!
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