So, i've taken a position with this amazing church that is on the launching pad ready to take off. We currently reside in an old facility that needs alot of work and was just sold.
As I look at the children's area, I know that there are amazing things that could be, but did I mention we just sold it? The past few weeks have been filled with cleaning carpets, wiping down walls and removing bowed tables and broken chairs. The rooms look better and smell better, but honestly it's not as much about what the rooms look like as who serves in each room.
It's the people who matter the most. I am so thankful the children's area is now pleasing to the eye and the nose but my main focus is the people. I don't know if you have ever struggled with task vs. people, but I will tell you the truth, you will never win if you pick the task.
I am a firm believer in making sure the children's area of any church is clean, safe and secure but I am not just talking about the building. Each team member should be too. Background checks are a must in children's ministry. An application to work with children is also a must. Reference need to be called and every new volunteer team member needs to be interviewed. Each children's ministry volunteer is a safe person in a child's eyes. We as a church must remain proactive and protect the little ones God sends our way.